Media Navigator company of Nizhny Novgorod has worked with the Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS), directly and indirectly, for over one year. FIAS is a joint facility of the International Finance Corporation and the World Bank, with a mandate to provide advice to governments for attracting more and better investment. Media Navigator worked with FIAS on a series of projects design and remove administrative barriers to investment.
Specifically, Media Navigator carried out a number of business surveys and surveys of business intermediaries (who help businesses complete various administrative procedures) in Nizhny Novgorod and neighboring regions. The main function of the surveys is to monitor the impact of various reforms to remove administrative barriers to investment. Media Navigator’s work included many aspects of survey design, overseeing the fieldwork of surveys, and analysis of the results of the surveys.
FIAS is very satisfied with the quality of work undertaken by Media Navigator, and we are continuing to work with them on innovative new monitoring projects throughout the Russian Federation.
Jacqueline G. Coolidge
Regional Program Coordinator, Europe